Friday, April 11, 2008

The Final Countdown

With one week to go before the pageant, I was finishing my outfit, rehearsing my talent, brushing up on current events, and running 18 miles a day...on about 400 calories.

I. Was. Ready.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

the song that started it all

so I was trying to think of things that we actually have in common, other than riding bikes and generally putting each other down, all i could think of was this.

George Washington

Monday, March 17, 2008

Deep in the Shit

Dig this:

Food Fight

In other news I am officially in the worst cycling condition of the past 5 years. I am expecting a deeply religious experience at Cohutta.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

so the other night I was balls deep up in this bitch, had her by the throat, think I felt an adam's apple. Reason to be concerned, sure, but not 'til the morning, fuckin' skanks.
-In other news Ryan and I broke up...too rough too often, not cool
-Joel indulged unto me the true size of his penis...
-I think I may have a crush on one of my male roommates, not sure whether to act on that or if it would just make the situation awkward. Remember kids, rape is always an option.
-Ohh and I got 3rd at some road race thing.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Everybody act real excited...

Well, since I can't seem to figure out how to post an f'ing comment I'm just going to post a blog.

Kurt - are we going to be able to decorate this new vehicle for the summer race months or do your folks retain the rights to the aesthetic? I'm thinking a gay'afied mystery machine...fully reversible of course...

...McDiesel? Really?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

trip vehicle

so we're going to Tennessee, my folks have a Volkswagen vanagon, they don't like it, neither do I, but we are all going to pile into the thing and drive to our big old, too early, too long race. its roomy five people and five bikes is no people and seven bikes will take creativity, how many of us are there? Ryan fawley wants to know if we can pick him up? he has a ride back but not my count that'll make 6 of us
also worth noting is that the van will not under any circumstances be driven faster than 70. the engine will blow up, if you don't believe me ask my mom, the van is now on its second engine because my mom drives faster than kyle.
blake you can drive whenever you want

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Alcohol is Our Recovery Drink

The JV Squad was formed on one single principle: The ability to consume massive amounts of alcohol and still ride bikes with the best makes you cool. There are, of course, particular beverages that the JV Squad has endorsed that have distinguished us from our competition. These particular beverages include (but are not limited to):

Pabst Blue Ribbon
Miller High Life
Star Hill
Magic Hat (when we're feeling classy)
Vodka and Orange Juice (on certain hot days on the back deck)

The inability or refusal to consume alcoholic beverages before, during, or after a ride is grounds for dismissal. Never give in to peer pressure.

JV Squad Blog is Born

It's a beautiful moment. I've never been so proud to be a part of a group that is so dedicated to riding bikes, making friends, and fuckin' dudes.